

Please sign the guestbook. Tell us who you are and what you think of the site. If you have a favorite story or poem by Edgar Allan Poe, tell us what it is and why its your favorite. If Poe's ghost ever visits this site, he'll know who his fans are!

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100 signatures per page - 17,887 total


Jim Dobson

from MA USA Boston

"cool site."

signed 10 Jan 2007 4:02am | 432


Big Jim

from my house in a cave

"I am not really into reading but this site helped me out on my semester final... thanks"

signed 09 Jan 2007 10:25am | 431



from Sydney, Australia

"I stumbled onto this site by pure chance thanx to some mates on a music forum!! I'm NOT new to Poe's works having studied them in full at high school in OZ! Where would our world be without Poe and this site!! I WILL be back... dead sure!! My fave Poe tale is The Pit and the Pendulum. I love V.P.!!"

signed 08 Jan 2007 5:06pm | 430



from lebanon

"edgar allan is the best poetry ;)"

signed 05 Jan 2007 2:00pm | 428



from USA,NJ,Earth

"This site is so sweet dude. I like this kind of author."

signed 03 Jan 2007 12:38pm | 427



from Los Angeles, CA

"Thanks for the great website. Look forward to seeing more here in the future!"

signed 03 Jan 2007 3:19am | 426


Terry Smith

from Richmond, VA

"Your site was useful for our English teacher's class during research on Poe."

signed 02 Jan 2007 2:01pm | 424



from Modesto, CA

"What a wonderful site! This rocks!"

signed 28 Dec 2006 7:49pm | 423


KJ Lightning

from unknown

"This is a wonderful site to go to to read Poe, the greatest horror writer ever. I have always loved reading his stories and poems and now I can do it easier with ur site. Poe's work sucks u into it and doesn't spit u out ever. It stays in ur mind long after u've read them. He is awesome..."

signed 27 Dec 2006 11:49pm | 422



from Las Vegas

"This site is really awesome, and it really gave me an insight into how great of a writer Poe was!"

signed 20 Dec 2006 3:24pm | 420



from chandler az earth

"the black cat"

signed 18 Dec 2006 5:39pm | 419



from turkey

"to be the faith of being understand in unknown future..."

signed 18 Dec 2006 10:24am | 418


darcetta jones

from your dreams

"Although Poe is not one of my favorite authors, I have found this site helpful for the work I am required to do for school. thanks"

signed 18 Dec 2006 8:43am | 417


Kristina G.

from United States, Georgia

"Awesome, awesome, awesome website."

signed 14 Dec 2006 12:02pm | 416


Samantha Gray

from Earth

"this site is cool!"

signed 13 Dec 2006 1:35pm | 415


Dustin Carlton

from U.S.A., Ohio, Amelia

"Thanks a lot! I LOVE your website. How about some t-shirts?"

signed 13 Dec 2006 7:29am | 414


terron richardson

from philidelphia pa usa earth

"My English class is doing an essay about your life and your stories e.g the Raven. My English teacher's name is Mr. Antolic. I hope I get an A+ RIP"

signed 12 Dec 2006 7:07pm | 413



from del rio, TX

"I f**king love POE! He's one of the greatest writers of all time. No matter what the f**k people say about him I still f**king love him!!"

signed 12 Dec 2006 12:33pm | 411


rasheed c

from United Arab Emirates

"It's as good as it gets. Two thumbs up!"

signed 12 Dec 2006 7:50am | 410


aba maga

from texas

"keep it up. like your site."

signed 12 Dec 2006 3:50am | 409


krista b

from united states -california

"the best E.A. Poe website i've have yet to see"

signed 10 Dec 2006 11:01am | 408


danette woodson-davis

from austin, tx

"I love this site. I have loved MR. Poe since I was very very young. He is the very reason I started to write poems as well as short stories. I now share my love for his works with my daughter who happens to think he is creepy but a great writer. Thanks for this site. I bookmarked it for later."

signed 09 Dec 2006 6:21pm | 407


darla gordon

from west hollywood, ca usa

"thank you for making this site much appreciated :)"

signed 08 Dec 2006 5:22am | 406


Kendall Martin

from U.S.

"Edgar is my hero. how he's full of hatred and death and how i relate to him shall i never kiss the lips of death itself the end forever more the end"

signed 07 Dec 2006 11:27am | 405



from philippines

"poe belongs to my top 3 list of favorite authors. he's just amazing."

signed 06 Dec 2006 6:31am | 404



from Higley AZ

"This site was extremely helpful for my research project. You've done a superb job!"

signed 05 Dec 2006 7:56pm | 403


jacqueline Diaz

from 76th Street woodhaven ny

"thanks a lot it was fun reading many of Poe's stories. later."

signed 04 Dec 2006 11:49pm | 401




"I love my life and my study, I am chosen by the students to become a leader for them."

signed 04 Dec 2006 11:06pm | 400



from egypt,cairo

"nice site i like it"

signed 04 Dec 2006 7:36pm | 399



from lome togo

"i love this site"

signed 02 Dec 2006 2:36am | 398



from lol country

"lol i luff poe"

signed 01 Dec 2006 8:53am | 397


Holly Saunders

from corning new york Usa

"I love edgar allan poe he is the s**t"

signed 30 Nov 2006 7:35pm | 396


The uninvited guest

from a long long time ago in a...

"I'm studying edgar allan poe in my school and this website has been really helpful. Thanks whoever made it!"

signed 30 Nov 2006 7:26pm | 395



from clifton

"Wow, i ttly cried when i read Annabel lee. RIP Edgar Allan Poe and all the others he loved. and lost"

signed 30 Nov 2006 3:40pm | 394


keks and mürl

from germany

"hey ho! We are visiting this homepage with our english course, because we read some stories of Edgar and they were pretty good. see you later alligator"

signed 28 Nov 2006 3:16am | 393



from Smithboro,IL

"I like this site a lot. it is very helpful for research. Edgar Allan Poe's work is amazing my personal favorite short story is "The Tale Tell Heart.""

signed 27 Nov 2006 3:16pm | 392


Jordan Taylor

from United States

"I really love this website, it's awesome. Thanks for all you do!"

signed 26 Nov 2006 2:22pm | 389


Sara Armacost

from Leawood, KS United States

"I feel deeply connected to Poe and his writing. I have memorized many verses and poems allowing me to replay them in my mind again and again. He is an inspiration to me, my poetry and my prose. It saddens me to know of his troubled life."

signed 26 Nov 2006 2:00pm | 388


B. Hunter

from Victoria B.C. Canada

"thanks from a crossword junkie"

signed 23 Nov 2006 10:38pm | 387


Jim Dobson

from MA usa

"cool site"

signed 22 Nov 2006 11:57pm | 386


heather kalmakoff

from wasilla alaska

"hello, it mee again... i moved again... this time to a bigger town. but i still love edgar... cool, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!! haha well ill do this again sometime"

signed 22 Nov 2006 1:47pm | 385



from Miami, Fl

"this website is really cool and funny!"

signed 22 Nov 2006 8:03am | 384


Vanessa naredo

from U.s.a texas brownsville earth

"I am a really big fan and well now i need to learn more about his life because i have to do a 500 word essay"

signed 21 Nov 2006 8:35pm | 383



from usa,wv,earth

"i love poe's work and i'm at a young age... p.s. anabell lee is my favorite poem + the first one i read"

signed 20 Nov 2006 8:29pm | 382



from USA

"great site, this really helped me with my poet project. Thanks!!!"

signed 20 Nov 2006 11:56am | 381



from united states new york pluto


signed 20 Nov 2006 10:33am | 380


Laura Tollefson

from Glen Allen, Virginia, Earth

"This is the most incredible Poe site I have ever found. I am an English teacher in VA and I use Poe's short stories and poetry to teach all of the literary and poetry elements. The auto dictionary is great for the vocab within the works! I will use your site with my students. Thank you."

signed 19 Nov 2006 9:10pm | 379



from Earth


signed 17 Nov 2006 11:17pm | 378


amber leeanne lytle

from whiting indiana

"this guy was like totally emo, but he is still cool..."

signed 17 Nov 2006 1:46pm | 377



from california

"this site is great... i will come back soon!!"

signed 17 Nov 2006 11:32am | 376



from Canada

"Fantastic site, with a great layout, great content, for a great writer. Poe is my favorite writer of all time. My favorite stories are "The Black Cat" and "The Tell-Tale Heart." My favorite poem is "The Raven." Poe is a genius. Thanks for the site."

signed 17 Nov 2006 9:21am | 374


Joel Ordanez

from Philippines

"I memorized "The Raven" when I was in the 4th grade. I could barely remember it now. I can recite though the first stanza. I'm an engineer now and all I care about is to look for numbers. It's been a while since I read a poem. Your site awakened my soul to dig more into literature."

signed 17 Nov 2006 3:05am | 373


Adolf Galland

from United States

"This site gives you the most quality information anbout Poe and his writings. This site is very good for reports, homework, and projects."

signed 16 Nov 2006 2:03pm | 371



from Kansas

"This page is so awesome!!"

signed 16 Nov 2006 1:06pm | 370


Ashlinn McKenzie

from Washington

"Hey I love your site..its amazing. I had to find a poem for my english class...thanks =]"

signed 16 Nov 2006 1:01am | 369



from USA

"Great website. Thank you Edgar. For many moments of much needed insanity."

signed 15 Nov 2006 5:36pm | 368


Kristen Scott

from Indiana, United States

"Edgar Allen Poe is one of the most amazing poets. I love his work."

signed 15 Nov 2006 9:33am | 367



from ohio

"This site is great!"

signed 15 Nov 2006 9:17am | 366


George Straight

from Mars

"This sh*t is off da chain yo... mad props to tha creator... fa sho"

signed 14 Nov 2006 12:15pm | 365



from Florida

"great site, i will be visiting again soon"

signed 12 Nov 2006 5:10pm | 363



from malaysia

"Edgar Allan Poe's stories are definitely genius theyre so great full of horror and u wont know how the and is going to be because there would be some kinde of twist to it."

signed 12 Nov 2006 1:23am | 362



from Split, Croatia

"I simply adore E.A. Poe`s work. I've been trying to find a site like this - haven't had the chance to find these stories and poems. Not to mention the original English writing is way more atmospheric than translations. I'll be visiting often. :)"

signed 11 Nov 2006 9:21am | 361


Amber Nichole

from Ohio

"great site!"

signed 09 Nov 2006 12:35pm | 360



from California

"I'm a high school English teacher, and I LOVE teaching a Poe unit every year in the fall. I found the site via an Internet search while browsing for ideas. IT LOOKS AWESOME IN HERE!! Expect traffic, b/c I think I'll have my students check out that wordlist for homework!"

signed 08 Nov 2006 1:17am | 359



from Coricia, Otransterge, Marz

"ki ki Edgar !!!"

signed 07 Nov 2006 10:18pm | 358


Tottianna Clark

from South Dakota

"I like the short stories of Edgar Allen Poe, I think that they may scare kids and they r very good so keep selling the books"

signed 07 Nov 2006 9:32pm | 357



from usa

"edgar allan poe is the best i even wrote a short story because i loved his writing"

signed 07 Nov 2006 6:49pm | 356



from New Jersey

"This is a really good site. I'm using it for my research paper (the sources and all) and it is really helping. Thankies!"

signed 07 Nov 2006 1:41pm | 355


kayla shirley

from united states, kentucky

"edgar allan poe is awesome! i respect his works and his life."

signed 07 Nov 2006 10:55am | 354



from U.S.A

"I love all of Poe's works. They are so dark and mysterious yet they give a message within all his writings that is very helpful, like in the Raven. I can't pick just one or even two of poe's stories as my favorite but i'm fond of the Raven, Tell-tale heart, and the Black cat."

signed 07 Nov 2006 8:51am | 353



from South Carolina

"This is a great site for anyone doing homework on Poe! It is really nice to have a lot of his works in one place, and complete access to them for free."

signed 06 Nov 2006 7:56pm | 352



from NN,VA

"There is someone around my area who spray paints Poe's face on random things... 2 on rails on an over pass... 1 on an old gas station, 1 on the back of a sign about 10 miles away from the other three... tho the one on the sign was removed. I will take a picture to show. It's in Newport News Virginia"

signed 06 Nov 2006 3:01pm | 351


Emily McCall

from Florida

"I needed to research Poe for my research paper and this site helped a lot! Thanks!"

signed 06 Nov 2006 2:24pm | 350



from brooklyn NY

"Poe, to me, is the greatest of greats. i grew up with his work as a part of schooling and i just couldnt put it down. he is why i am the poet i am today..."

signed 05 Nov 2006 4:54pm | 349


Katie McCormick

from Oregon

"This is an awesome site! I really enjoyed being able to read some of Edgar Allan Poe's work, and the word definitions really helped."

signed 05 Nov 2006 12:20am | 348


Nate Dog Jones

from Lamesa, TX


signed 03 Nov 2006 2:09pm | 347


Sabrina Stalnaker

from USA, North Carolina, My World

"Edgar is kind of a literary hero of mine. I hope one day to be able to write just as well as he has. If any one wants to be able to read anything of mine either go to or Thank you."

signed 03 Nov 2006 1:48pm | 346


Ji Su

from US, VA, Earth

"I LOVE your website. Everything was really useful for my paper and it was an incredible help. Thanks for putting this up!"

signed 02 Nov 2006 11:15pm | 344


Tina Sturgill

from Knoxville, Tn USA

"I love the site! Very interesting and informative. Thank you for taking the time to catalog so much information. The photographs are exceptional."

signed 02 Nov 2006 7:10pm | 343



from US, wv, earth

"This Page is awesome...."

signed 02 Nov 2006 9:24am | 342


Lapoltia Wallace

from muskegon hts. Mi

"Hey guys, I loved reading about Edgar Allan's Poe Life. It was so interesting and sad. To love but never be loved back. I'm doing research on my theory of how Poe died. I think of medical problems. What do you think?"

signed 31 Oct 2006 1:21pm | 341


Elizabeth Berkowitz

from U.S., CO, Denver

""In visions of dark night...." I feel this poem, it is drenched with melancholy, and I wear that feeling proudly, like a cloak all the days of my life."

signed 31 Oct 2006 12:42am | 340


Joanne Britt

from Mississippi

"Great website!"

signed 30 Oct 2006 7:32pm | 339


Glenn O. Radtke

from Columbia MO U.S.of Halliburton

"I'm writing a screenplay inspired by "Annabel Lee." If anyone researching this site has the passion for Poe and the connections for the industry, let me know. -GR"

signed 29 Oct 2006 4:34pm | 338


Twig Le

from Torrance ,California

"This site really helped me with my essay and written responses! Major Props to this site!"

signed 29 Oct 2006 1:19pm | 337


Peter Cafferty

from Carle Place, NY

"The Gold Bug is my favorite short story."

signed 29 Oct 2006 12:04pm | 336


Stephen Clark

from Indiana, United States

"I am a fan of Edgar Allan Poe. He is the October 'Poet Of The Month' for my Yahoo poetry group, The Witch's Muse."

signed 29 Oct 2006 10:56am | 335


ashley armstrong

from tulsa,ok

"Edgar Allan Poe rocks, He is the best poet Ever to live!!!!!!! He writes so deeply. I love it"

signed 26 Oct 2006 8:12pm | 334


Jessica Bennett

from Arkansas

"I came to this site because i am doing a research paper on Edgar Allan Poe. This website helped me a lot."

signed 26 Oct 2006 6:44pm | 333


Zofia Koszykowska

from Poland,Europe

"found this site when needed some information about "Berenice" and its author. Very good, gives full range of knowledge. I got more than expected."

signed 26 Oct 2006 4:50pm | 332


Haley Dale

from USA, ID

"Very nice site. Thanks for putting this up. Makes it easy to find if you need to do a paper on one of his stories (which is how I found this site) or just want to read his great stuff."

signed 25 Oct 2006 1:32pm | 331



from school stanley nc 28056

"Hey im at school and i have to do a Edgar Allan Poe Project and i just thought i would say that this man is very interesting... Brittany"

signed 25 Oct 2006 9:28am | 330



from China Earth

"This is one of the best web sites I ever went to because of the stories. They are great and scary. They will give me nightmares tonight. I can't wait to read the rest of them!!! :]"

signed 24 Oct 2006 8:57pm | 329


audrina jackson

from walnut

"hahahahaha... i love the poem eldorado and raven..."

signed 24 Oct 2006 5:20pm | 328



from Deltona Florida

"Reading all this information on Edgar Allan Poe has motivated me to read other short stories which I have not read. It also makes me sad that he lived such a difficult life; one without recognition and with sporadic moments of true happiness. Conversely, he did live life to the fullest."

signed 24 Oct 2006 3:51pm | 327


Kate Tuerff

from USA PA

"His stories are fabulous~"

signed 24 Oct 2006 8:02am | 326



from St. Quentin le Homme

"Hello. Your site is very good. I like what i can find in your site. I say to all my friends about your site. Very interesting and informative. Thanks."

signed 23 Oct 2006 2:46am | 325



from jupiter

"edgar allan poe rocks!!!"

signed 22 Oct 2006 8:22pm | 324



from Mars

"this is the best poe page i have found. i love that man with my entire soul! the emotions i feel when i read his work late at night with a candle light... *drooling* nothing compares. thank you for this site."

signed 22 Oct 2006 5:53pm | 323



from jabooty

"im not gonna lie this dude kinda freaks me out. what a WEIRDO!! who writes stories about killing people and torture chambers... ewwwww you all are sick!"

signed 20 Oct 2006 4:56pm | 322


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100 signatures per page - 17,887 total